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  • 09/05/2024 12:00 PM | Jeannette Byrd (Administrator)

    Area of Interest Techniques

    With Esri's John Nelson

    When: 09/05/2024 12:00 PM, CDT
    Where: Google Meet

    Register here:

    Google Meet Link will be emailed upon registration. 

    When making your map, you want the focus area to be prominent, to help draw the audience's attention to your area of interest. There are lots of different ways we can do this, and we'll explore a variety of them using ArcGIS Pro and ArcGIS Online. Get ready to live!

    John Nelson is a map maker, software experience designer, and writer at Esri creating fringe geographic data, curious web experiences, marginally educational blogs, and debatably instructional videos. He works in a small woodshed in Michigan and relishes the opportunity to chat with other map folks.

  • 04/09/2024 1:48 PM | Jeannette Byrd (Administrator)

    Join us for the UNA Geography Alumni Conference, Thursday and Friday April, 18-19, 2024. This year, the conference will be $10 for all UNA Alumni & Non-Alumni registrations and student registrations are free. See the conference page for more information. GISAA looks forward to being a sponsor again this year.

    Registration page:

  • 04/02/2024 2:21 PM | Jeannette Byrd (Administrator)

    The Alabama Geographic Information Office is excited to announce the dates for this year’s GIS of Alabama (GISA) Conference! The conference will be held November 18-21, 2024, so mark your calendars and make plans to join us back at The Lodge at Gulf State Park in Gulf Shores, AL. Registration will open up this summer, so be on the lookout for more information soon. If you missed the conference in 2023, you don’t want to miss this year’s!

    For more information or questions...

    Jaime H. Lambert

    GIS Specialist

    Alabama Geographic Information Office (AGIO)

    Office: 334-676-6421

  • 01/05/2024 2:22 PM | Jeannette Byrd (Administrator)

    The GISAA would like to thank the Sweet Trails Alabama initiative for their Lunch and Learn presentation on December 6, 2023.

    If you missed this presentation, it can be viewed at:

  • 07/27/2022 6:59 PM | Justin Quinley, GISP (Administrator)

    Earlier this year, GISAA members Keith Conville and Ken Busby participated in interviews and webinar with Equipped Events on the topic of Using GIS for Search and Rescue (SAR). 

    A recording of the webinar and more resources related to using GIS for search and rescue are available here.  

  • 10/08/2021 10:58 AM | Alison Sepulveda

    Huntsville, AL – GeoCue Group Inc. is pleased to announce an embedded version of Agisoft’s Metashape photogrammetric processing software.  We have built interfaces directly into our LIDAR/Photogrammetric processing software, True View EVO, for driving both an embedded version of Metashape (Metashape for EVO, MfE) as well as the full GUI version of Metashape Professional.  This design provides a seamless photogrammetric workflow for users of GeoCue True View EVO processing software. 

    While EVO has always supported generating “Photogrammetry Data Packages” for Metashape, Pix4D and Context Capture, users were still forced to exit the EVO environment to run these flows and then import results back into EVO.  Now with Metashape for EVO (MfE), users can set up Metashape processing using a simple dialog and schedule the processing using EVO’s new Job Manager.  The MfE job runs as a background task, allowing users to work on other projects in EVO while the MfE job runs in the background.  Upon completion of the job, results are automatically added back in to the EVO project.  EVO’s Job Manager can queue jobs, allowing users to set up a series of tasks to run in the background without the need to start the next job when the current one completes. 

    Metashape for EVO supports the generation of:

    • ·         Block Bundle Adjusted (BBA) imagery for improving the positional accuracy of imagery
    • ·         Point clouds from imagery (“structure from motion”) – typically used in DJI camera workflows
    • ·         Orthomosaics

    Having Metashape directly integrated into True View EVO offers some unique advantages in hybrid imagery/LIDAR workflows. These include:

    • ·         The ability to use a LIDAR-derived elevation model (typically a ground model) in orthomosiac generation
    • ·         For True View 3D Imaging Sensors (3DIS®), the ability to “inject” the sensor’s Applanix Position and Orientation System (POS) solution into Metashape where image correlation fails.  This reduces “holes” in orthos over areas where Metashape fails to find image matches (typically over vegetation).

    True View EVO with the MfE add-in supports:

    • ·         All True View 3DIS® - True View 410, 515 and 635/640 sensors
    • ·         DJI Phantom 4 RTK
    • ·         DJI M300 RTK with P1

    MfE is a must-have for any serious production shop.  It dramatically streamlines the production of ground surface orthomosaics when using a True View or DJI sensor. 

    MfE is available now and will be bundled with all new True View 515 and True View 635/640 sensors shipped after September 1, 2021.  MfE is available for purchase for all other sensors.  If you already own a full GUI version of Metashape Professional, True View EVO will automatically connect to and use the software. 

    About GeoCue

    GeoCue is the largest supplier of kinematic LIDAR processing tools in North America and LP360 is one of the world’s most widely used tools for exploiting point cloud data. In 2014, GeoCue Group started a division focused on using small Unmanned Aerial Systems for high accuracy mapping. Leveraging our expertise in LIDAR/Photogrammetric production, risk reduction, and point cloud processing tools, we are continuing to bring new services and products to market to provide surveyors and other geomatics professionals exciting tools for geospatial data extraction.  Our most recent addition is our fused LIDAR/Camera drone surveying system, the True View® 3D Imaging System (3DIS®) product line.  True View 3DIS offer compete hardware/software solutions for drone mapping from topography collection to high accuracy DOT work.  To learn more, visit

    About Agisoft Metashape

    Founded in 2006 as an innovative research company with focus on computer vision technology, through years of intensive R&D work Agisoft LLC has gained expertise in image processing algorithms, with digital photogrammetry techniques setting the direction for development of applied tools. To learn more, visit

  • 08/12/2021 8:24 AM | Alison Sepulveda

    July 21, 2021

    HUNTSVILLE, AL – North Dakota Department of Transportation recently acquired a GeoCue True View 640 3D Imaging System (3DIS®) for their UAS program. “We are very pleased to be selected by NDDOT as their UAS drone LIDAR/Camera system supplier,” said Lewis Graham, President/CTO of GeoCue Group. “The DOTs literally keep America moving and we are honored to be an integral part of that mission.” To read more on this achievement, here is the full press release: North Dakota Department of Transportation Selects GeoCue True View LIDAR/Imagery Technology for UAS Program

  • 05/04/2021 5:27 PM | Anonymous

    It is with mixed emotions we announce the GIS Association of Alabama membership has voted to disaffiliate from URISA, with 26 of 39 votes for disaffiliation. With this change, we will remain the GIS Association of Alabama (GISAA). Disaffiliation will not impact your current membership. If you are currently a member of GISAA, you will remain a member of GISAA. Likewise, there will be no change in URISA membership if you are currently a member.

    Change in affiliation with URISA will not change our mission to be an impactful organization to our community. GISAA will continue to strive to be the premier association of GIS professionals and students.

    The disaffiliation process is not immediate and will take place over the next several months. The Board of Directors will work with URISA as we move through this process. We have maintained a close relationship with URISA over the years and wish them the best as we part ways. We support and encourage members who wish to participate with URISA, to continue to do so.

    We would like to thank our membership for voicing their concerns throughout this process and casting their ballot on the matter.  We are excited to be moving forward as an independent organization and anticipate this change will allow GISAA to be more impactful within the community. We are looking forward to continued service to our membership. 

    If you have any questions or concerns, reach out to us on Slack or email
  • 03/15/2021 3:32 PM | Anonymous

    On March 12, 2021 URISA International sent out an email update about the OneURISA initiative. The email is included below. Be sure to attend the Future of GISAA Meeting on Wednesday, April 21 at 11:00 am. Voting will be available to current GISAA members for one week after the meeting. Being a URISA International member does not make you a GISAA member (read below for more on that) so be sure your GISAA membership is current if you want your voice heard!

    Dear URISA Member,

    I want to take this opportunity to update you on the OneURISA initiative as we approach the June 1, 2021 deadline for chapters to sign the Chapter Charter Agreement and begin the process of becoming a fully chartered chapter. For those new to URISA International (URISA) who may not be familiar with OneURISA, allow me to provide a summary:

    Chapters have always been integral to URISA and serve an important function at the local level. They are closer to local issues and often serve as the starting point for members interested in getting more involved in their professional community through URISA. Over time, chapter membership became separate from URISA International membership, making the definition of URISA membership confusing. For example, it is common for chapter members to register to attend a URISA educational event believing member discounts applied to them when in fact, they were not a URISA member, but only a member of their local chapter.

    Professional organizations are typically structured such that when an individual joins, they become a member of both the parent organization and their local chapter. Dues paid to the organization support services and benefits at both levels. The parent organization helps to support chapter programs and events, collaborating with local volunteer leaders. Working together provides for a coordinated, exponential increase in the organization's ability to share knowledge, education, and best practices and have a positive impact on the profession.

    After a lengthy discussion between chapter leaders and the URISA Board, the OneURISA initiative was announced in 2018. Existing and any new chapters are required to sign a Charter Agreement (previously an Affiliation Agreement) and meet several conditions, primarily that chapter membership is tied to membership in URISA. It is important to note this requirement does not prevent nonmembers from participating in chapter activities.

    Under the unified membership model, when you join or renew your URISA membership you automatically become a chapter member if one exists in your geographic area. If there is not a local chapter, let’s talk about starting one!

    The following list indicates the current status of U.S. Chapters.
    [Note: International Chapters will undergo a separate implementation process following the U.S. Chapters].

    Currently Chartered U.S. Chapters:

    California URISA
    Louisiana URISA
    New England URISA
    Northern Rockies URISA
    Rocky Mountain URISA

    U.S. Chapters in the chartering process:

    Chesapeake URISA
    Mid-Atlantic URISA
    Ohio URISA
    Texas URISA

    U.S. Chapters inquiring about the charter process:

    Alabama URISA
    Carolina URISA
    Florida URISA
    Oregon URISA
    Washington URISA

    U.S. Chapters currently not planning to charter:

    Georgia URISA
    BayGeo URISA

    Currently, inactive U.S. Chapters set for automatic disaffiliation:

    Alaska URISA
    Central Appalachian URISA
    Chicagoland URISA

    As stated above, existing chapters have until June 1, 2021, to formally indicate their decision to charter as a chapter of URISA. Those that choose to charter with URISA will continue to maintain URISA chapter status. Those that choose to go a separate way, will no longer be associated with URISA as a chapter. You can find out more about the charter process at

    We encourage you to investigate the status and plans for the chapter in your area and contact your current chapter leadership with your opinions on the unified membership model. Your membership in URISA is a statement of your commitment to the GIS profession and the vision and mission of our professional association.

    Thank you for your dedication,

    Kevin Mickey, President

  • 02/27/2021 8:41 AM | Anonymous

    Each year, URISA recognizes a Chapter that has excelled in serving its membership and/or sponsoring effective activities. Great work and congratulations to the 2020 Board of Directors and all members of the Association on receiving the award!

    We encourage you to read more about the service GISAA has strived to provide during the past year:

    To see all past recipients and to learn more about the award criteria click here.

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