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2022 GIS of Alabama Academy - Alabama Geographic Information Office

  • 11/16/2022
  • 11/18/2022
  • Montgomery, AL

This will be the first ever GIS of Alabama Academy training event!

The event will take the place of the 2022 GIS of Alabama Conference. There will be several training courses to choose from, both in person and virtual.

Registration is now open!! Registration and additional details can be found

** Important Notes from the organizer:

  • Registration will be open until October 31st. There are several sessions to choose from, including a 1-day, 2-day, and 3-day in-person session, as well as some free online courses provided by Esri. There are also several in-person sessions being taught by Auburn University of Montgomery (AUM) professors. Please make sure you do not select any overlapping sessions.
  • The in-person Esri sessions will take place in the ALEA Headquarters building. The in-person sessions taught by AUM professors, will take place on AUM’s campus. The classrooms are still TBD.
  • All in-person Esri sessions have a maximum number of 15 spots. The prices shown on the registration site are for a full training session. If the Esri sessions do not fill up, the price is subject to change for the session or it could be cancelled.
  • If you sign up for the free sessions, the link for those sessions will be sent to you prior to the GISA Academy starting.
  • Due to the fact that we have to make sure there is enough participation for the in-person sessions, I will send out invoices for billing on November 1st. You must select check or purchase order as your payment option in the registration process, but payment doesn’t need to be sent until you receive an invoice. The credit card payment option will also be available after November 1st.
  • Once you are registered, you have the option to go back to the registration site to make modifications or change the sessions you would like to attend. Just simply click on the section that says “Already registered? Click here to make modifications.” All selections will be final at the close of business on October 31st, when registration closes. No refunds will be issued, since we are committed to paying for these sessions.

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