Keith Conville is the GIS Coordinator for the City of Madison, Alabama. With over 20 years experience in the GIS field, he began his career at ISC (Intergraph Services Company) in 1996 as a Data Capture Specialist. While at ISC, he used Unix and Windows-based MicroStation and Intergraph MGE products to heads-up-digitize JOGs (Joint Operation Graphics) and DNCs (Digital Nautical Charts) from scanned coverages for then Defense Mapping Agency. He also performed product finishing operations on area surfaces using Intergraph’s Object Space. He continued his career path while moving into a Lead Graphic Editor position at MD Atlantic Technologies from 1999-2001. While at MD Atlantic Technologies, he began working with LiDAR using different methods to ensure correct surface models were delivered to clients. He also helped produce and georeference orthophotos along with DOQQ (Digital Ortho Quarter Quads) and DLGs (Digital Line Graphs) for various clients including USGS and FEMA. Keith has an A.A.S. degree in Design Drafting that started him on this path, and was in school for Computer Engineering at UAH in 2001 while working at MD Atlantic Technologies. In May of 2001, he took a position at the City of Madison as an Engineering Technician. And, with a good convincing from his supervisor, the City Engineer at the time, he changed his major to Civil Engineering. Since beginning his position at the City, his GIS background has allowed his roles to expand into the GIS Coordinator position he currently holds while maintaining some engineering tasks related to plan review for new development and flood studies. He has implemented an enterprise GIS system for the City using ArcGIS for Server and administers all associated SQL Server databases. He manages all layers, services, and web/mobile mapping applications both internally and public-facing. He also coordinates with all internal departments and outside agencies to ensure the correct, most up-to-date data is made available in a cost-effective manner. He is the current North Region Director for the GIS Association of Alabama and is a Certified GIS Professional as well as a Certified Floodplain Manager. He also serves on the board for GeoHuntsville as an Assistant of Education & Workforce Development. Outside of work, Keith loves spending time with his wife and daughter, taking road trips, and serves as the Music Director at his church in Owens Cross Roads. He can be contacted by email at northdirector@gisaa.org or Keith.Conville@madisonal.gov. Or, you may contact him via his work number at (256) 772-5629.